Casdons' Toy Dyson Vacuum is a direct replica of the latest "Ball" model. This realistic toy features a simulated cyclone action with colourful balls, so you can see it working. It also 'Twists and Turns' just like the real thing! This great toy also has real suction from the foot of the vacuum that is designed to pick up small pieces of paper waste or small poly beads. This links to a removable dustbin at the back, the child can easily take this out to be emptied and the cleaning can start all over again!
Includes weighing scales, post box, cash drawer, stamper, coins and notes, numerous magazines, newspaper titles, stamps, envelopes, post cards, vehicle licences and all the forms and accessories you would expect from your local Post Office.
Pick N Mix sweet shop supplied with display counter incorporating cash drawer, working scales, 2 sweet jars, coins and bank notes plus a large selection of sweets and lollipops.